Ordering: Members access starting Tuesday, Guests Wednesday. Orders close at 3 p.m. the following Monday. Shipping available 24/7 on most items!

SNAP/FDNP Customer Information

Good Groceries is pleased to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Oregon Trail EBT cards and/or Farm Direct Nutrition Program (FDNP) vouchers!

Please register on the site as an "SNAP/FDNP Customer." If you do not have an Oregon Trail EBT card or FDNP vouchers, please select Guest or Member instead. SNAP/FDNP Customers, like Guests, may access their cart from Wednesday through Monday. Please see the "When will I get my order?" page for information about delivery time and service area.


The SNAP Oregon Trail EBT card may be used any time of the year for food items at Good Groceries. It may not be used to purchase anything in the Pet Treats, Bath & Body, or Home & Hearth sections of the store. You are welcome to use a secondary payment method (credit card, check, cash, or Buckskin Bucks [no change given]) for these items. The $10 delivery fee is waived for SNAP customers.

SNAP EBT customers must be present to receive their delivery. You must present your EBT card to the Good Groceries delivery person at the time of delivery, and enter your own PIN. A Good Groceries delivery person will never ask you for your PIN. For this reason, Baker County customers may not use an EBT card for their Good Groceries order.

FDNP vouchers, available from June through November from the State of Oregon, may be used to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs only. FDNP vouchers are issued in $4 increments, and Good Groceries is not allowed to give change. All other purchases must be paid with another payment method (credit card, check, cash, or Buckskin Bucks [no change given]). The $10 delivery fee is waived for FDNP customers.

More information about SNAP is available on the Oregon DHS website. Info about the FDNP program is available on the Oregon Health Authority website.

FDNP allowable items
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snap benefits food stamps