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Eggs, Why are there none?

Eggs, Why are there none?

And how YOU can help!

Factors that cause Good Groceries to not have eggs available (even when there isn’t a national shortage!):

  • Winter: Chickens that are allowed to live a natural existence not only have access to pasture/foraging space, but they also slow their production in winter (reacting to the length of the day, not the temperature). Industrial operations leave the lights in chicken warehouses on all year to keep the chickens from molting and otherwise reacting to the season in a normal fashion.
  • Licensing: Because GG is not a chicken farmer nor egg dealer, I am required by law to purchase eggs from someone with a state license. Your average roadside-stand eggs are not sold by people with a license. This is why I buy from Washington farmers via Walla Walla Food Hub (plus they’re organic!). But even they run out sometimes ...

If you can talk someone in Wallowa or Union counties into acquiring the ODA license and selling eggs to GG, I will give you AND the chicken farmer a $20 credit on your accounts.

Contact me for details!