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Only rice cultivated in the PNW! Grown on seasonal flooding fields near Eugene, OR.

1lb of Oregon Rice makes about 8 cups of cooked wild rice.

This product comes to us from The Langdon Family, owners of Oregon Rice, the most local wild rice producers! Their wild rice is not actually a rice plant. It is an annual water grass. However, it does not seem to be offended by being referred to as rice. Located in Harrisburg, OR, the multitude of wildlife species enjoy the delights of the wild rice and patties, creating a green space full of living energy.

The Langdon family has been farming in the Harrisburg, Oregon area for over a 100 years. For most of those years the family had drained the farmland to grow grass seed. Five years ago, after much determination, they committed to a new plan to work more aligned with nature. The goal was to more effectively utilize their heavy clay soil and the abundant Oregon rainfall. So they chose to boldly plant Oregon Wild Rice. In 2016 Langdon Family stopped draining their fields, and when the Fall rains came, the fields remained flooded thus creating Oregon Wild Rice paddies. Four years was taken to expand the rice crop and to learn how to effectively process the high-quality rice for human consumption. In the Spring of 2020 they began to offer the Oregon Wild Rice to people Northwest. The Langdon Family is humbled and incredibly grateful for the enthusiastic response from people of the Northwest and people from points beyond their wildest dreams.