Ordering: Members access starting Tuesday, Guests Wednesday. Orders close at 3 p.m. the following Monday. Shipping available 24/7 on most items!
Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Starter

1 pint jar

This is a descendant of the legendary Imnaha starter! According to local lore, an 1880s sheepherder was trailing his mule along a dicey path, and the mule slipped and fell down an embankment. The sheepherder raced down the embankment ... to scoop up his sourdough starter, which was draining out of one of his saddlebags ... 

This starter lives on Alder Slope and is fed flours from Palouse Brand and Fairhaven Mill. Yours will come in a pint jar ... return it clean for a $2 credit on your account!


Flour, water, happy sourdough beasts