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Tea, "Chillax"

Tea, "Chillax"

0.7 oz. resealable bag

Wonderful non-caffeinated local tea

Most of what is in this lovely relaxing blend is in the mint family. Peppermint and spearmint, of course, but also lemon balm, anise hyssop and catnip (did you know, catnip can be relaxing for people as well as cats!). A bit of lemon verbena gives it an additional lemon note. A touch of stevia leaf makes it slightly sweet. Enough for at least 30 8 oz cups of tea.

Ingredients all grown on the farm

Comes to us from Miles Away Farm (Walla Walla) via Walla Walla Food Hub. We farm based on permaculture principles – Everything has a job. Everything supports something else. We always let nature lead the way. Our farm is NOT certified, but we are functionally organic. 


Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon Balm, Anise Hyssop, Catnip, Lemon Verbena, Stevia Leaf.