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All of our flours are stone-milled at Ethos Bakery to preserve the taste and nutrition of the original grains.

We currently partner with our friends at Palouse Heritage, Moon Family Farm and Fox Family Farm to bring you our freshly-milled flours.

Our breads feature these flours!What is whole grain flour?
We mill the whole grain; nothing sifted out, and nothing added. The whole grain includes the bran, germ, and endosperm.

What is stone milling?
Our New American Stone Mill uses granite stones from Vermont that slowly grind the whole grain into flour while maintaining a low temperature in order to retain the grain’s naturally-occurring nutrients and flavor. Stone milling also allows us to purchase grains directly from our farmers in order to provide fresh flour for local bakers.

What is the shelf life of your flour?
For optimal flavor, we recommend using your flour within a few months of the mill date at room temperature, or within 6-12 months if stored in the freezer.

How should I store my Ethos Stone Mill flours?
You should store your flour in a cool dark place, like your pantry. If not using your flour within a few months, store it in an airtight container in your fridge or freezer.

Nutrition & Baking FAQ:
Are any of your flours gluten-free?
We don’t currently offer any gluten-free flours.

Are your flours organic?
While our grains and flours are not certified organic, both of our farmers strive towards sustainable and environmentally-friendly growing and harvesting practices. Palouse Heritage grains and flours are non-GMO/G (No genetic modification and no glyphosate/Round-up herbicide).

How do I bake with your flours? Do I have to do anything differently?
You can substitute our comparable whole grain flours for your regular white all-purpose, bread, or pastry flours in your recipes with some slight adjustments. Stone milled flour tends to absorb more liquid than white sifted flour, so we recommend adding more liquid to whatever recipe you are using to achieve the correct consistency and texture in your final product. If you’d like flour or recipe-specific advice, please contact us! We are happy to provide tips and tricks for your baking ventures.

Can I substitute whole grain flour for white flour in my recipe?
Yes! See individual product information for recipe-specific substitutions. While you can substitute many of our flours 1:1 for white flour in many recipes, we recommend starting with a lower percentage and working up to a higher percentage of whole grains until you achieve the flavor and quality that you like best.

Ethos Stone Mill